Sunday, May 5, 2019

What if, Music in Every Family, as a Way of Life.

                                                                            It is all in My Opinion

What if, Music in Every Family, as a Way of Life. 

We are born, we learn to read, to speak, and all along those abilities build upon times over. 

What if we all learned Music as much as we learn Reading, from the very beginning of our existence, as a way of life. 

What if all Human Beings were able to play an instrument, and in Unison, at a Given Time, a Worldwide Symphony Came together, as we are and meant to be, always. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Let's Bring Neurology Curriculum into the Classrooms - This Is Public Health

                                                                   It is All in My Opinion

How much do Neurodegenerative Diseases impact us, on a 360-degree scale, probably a lot more than what one could pencil down to the last detail. 
A Public Health matter, of Worldwide reach as it so becomes when it so many are affected, Research has made strides forward, while no one biomarker specifically identified, some suggested lifestyle changes could delay or even avert Neurons decay. 

Further, the involvement of the younger generation, while at school, in fact as part of their school curriculum, could hugely help create a counter wave of positive energy and counter Neurodegeneration, let' please call for our School to get further involved by considering teaching Neurology in the Classroom. 

It is a common Objective for all of us to Stop Alzheimer's

The Common Objective to finding Cure thru Research can be and often it is a starting or main platform thru contribution/investment of ideas, as a direct result from participation that can be achieved thru heightened awareness. Neurodegenerative Diseases are the Basis of a complex burden and affliction to modern Societies, it will need a Worldwide Effort to counter them, please support efforts to fight back, let's Stop Alzheimer's